Palmschoss 22 — 39042 Brixen, Dolomites — Italy
T +39 0472 521 008 — [email protected]
VAT: IT02415780218
Share capital: € 300.000
Codice identificativo Nazionale CIN - IT021011A19IUVOKY7
Image Credits
© Konstantin Volkmar
Digital Marketing, Website
Positioner, Switzerland
Corporate Identity & Designconcept
substanz design, Munich
Textatelier Ulrike Dubis, Graz
EU Regulation No. 524/2013 on online dispute resolution: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which can be accessed at Consumers can use this platform to resolve contractual disputes between traders and consumers arising from online sales and service contracts.
Email address of the website operator: [email protected]